One famous quote about the perfect real estate says “it’s all about Location, location, location” You’re led to believe all that matters is proximity to conveniences, schools and your workplace, and it is all true. For example take this terrific affordable 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom condo, conveniently located just a short drive to anywhere in Ottawa, well that sounds perfect doesn’t it? But what this particular “location” really means is an end to freezing your butt off first thing in the morning sweeping snow off of your car, and clearing your driveway. It’s about luxuries like having an indoor pool, onsite gym, and a library, a ping pong room, sauna, and a party room. Its about having more lifestyle per hour and less driving at night on wet slippery roads. If your debating living out in the country VS here, there is more nature right here just a short walk from the front door than there is on any 2 acre lot in the country. Come check it out!
Recent Listings
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#211 - 960 Teron Road, Beaverbrook / Kanata
3140 Fenmore Street, Blossom Park
755 Bayview Drive, Constance Bay
19855 Maple Road, Williamstown
3835 Old Highway 17 Highway, Rockland
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